The Rose Library offers short-term fellowships to support scholarly use of the Library's research collections in 5 strategic areas:
- English-language literature
- The Raymond Danowski Poetry Library
- African American history and culture
- Southern history and culture
- Political and Social Movements
Additionally, the Rose Library offers 12 subject-specific fellowships awarded by donors to support scholarly use of the Library's research collections.
The Rose Library is a 2025-2026 Partner with The American Trust for the British Library Research Fellowship Program. The ATBL Research Fellowship Program is a short-term research stipend that supports research projects that make use of collections in any department in the British Library. The Fellowship is open to US citizens and Permanent Residents, 18 years or older, resident in the US or abroad.

Other Research Awards
The Rose Library also provides award opportunities for undergraduate students and fellow, graduate, and post-doc students who are interested in incorporating archives and special collections in their research.
The Rose Library offers the Leonard and Louise Riggio Fellowship, which supports residencies to undertake research in the Alice Walker papers and related archives.
Award Information
This fellowship carries an award of $1,000-2,500 depending on the duration of the residency and is meant to help defray expenses in traveling to and residing in Atlanta for the duration of the fellowship.
In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of visit and submission of blog post.
All fellowship winners are announced April 18, 2025 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email.
All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
The J. Herman Blake and Emily L. Moore Award for Research in Black Panther Party (BPP) related collections provides funding for researchers to explore the Rose Library's holdings related to the organization's founding in 1966, and the impact it had on American race relations, especially the social, economic, and political status of African Americans. Materials related to co-founders Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, as well as prominent members such as Kathleen and Eldridge Cleaver, and Elaine Brown, are readily accessible. The Rose Library BBP holdings include posters, broadsides, ephemeral materials, photographs, and sound recordings.
Award Information
This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000. A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of their visit.
All fellowship winners are announced April 18, 2025 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email.
All fellowships must be completed by August 2026
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
The Dana White Award provides funding for researchers exploring the collections of Dana White. The Rose Library holdings include The collection consists of papers, journals, and audiovisual material from 1973-2005. The collections consists primarily of binders and subject files created by White on various research topics including African American cinema in Atlanta, the work of Oscar Micheaux, Mussolini and Charles Palmer, and Georgia prison history. In addition, there are audio and video cassettes that cover White's work on The Making of Modern Atlanta including interviews and rough cuts of the documentary as well as audio recordings of White's classes at Atlanta University and in the Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts at Emory University. Sound recordings include interviews with White on his work as a historian and his research for presentations at the National Association for Olmsted Parks and for the Biltmore Village Conference. The journals and papers document his work with the National Association for Olmsted Parks as well as research on Frederick Law Olmsted.
Award Information
- This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000.
- A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
- In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog
- All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks after completion of visit and submission of blog post.
- The application deadline is February 28, 2025.
- All fellowship winners are announced in April 18, 2025 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email.
- All fellowships must be completed by August of 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
Funded through the Billops-Hatch Scholarship Fund, the Billops-Hatch Fellowship supports researchers working in the Camille Billops and James V. Hatch Archives. Past fellowship recipients include post-graduate students, authors, professors, and scholars researching areas of African American art and art history, including the visual arts, theater, film, and literature. Among its various holdings, the Billops-Hatch archives has more than 1,200 play scripts written by African Americans, 1,400 interviews with various artists, and a library of rare and unique books and periodicals.
Award Information
This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000. A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of visit.
The application deadline is Feb 28, 2025.
All fellowship winners are announced April 18, 2025 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email.
All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
The Benny Andrews Award provides funding for researchers exploring the collection of visual artist, teacher, activist, critic, and writer Benny Andrews. The Rose Library holdings include correspondence, manuscript materials, photographs and negatives, exhibit files, journals, printed materials including books and art catalogs. Materials related to Andrews’s exploration of the social, political, and cultural development of the United States and the experiences of the marginalized and oppressed are readily accessible. The Rose Library holdings also include audio-visual materials, artwork, and other Andrews family-related correspondence and papers.
Award Information
- This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000.
- A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
- In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
- All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of visit and submission of blog post.
- The application deadline is February 28, 2025.
- All fellowship winners will be announced April 18, 2025 on our website listing name and research project title. You will also be sent an email.
- All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
The Donald C. Locke Award provides funding for researchers exploring the collection of visual artist, teacher, critic, poet, and writer Donald C. Locke. The Rose Library holdings include correspondence, manuscript materials, photographs and negatives, and printed materials including books and art catalogs. Materials related to Locke’s exploration of African diasporic themes and ideas are readily accessible. The Rose Library holdings also include born digital content.
Award Information
- This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000.
- A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
- In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
- All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of visit and submission of blog post.
- The application deadline is 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time on February 28, 2025.
- All fellowship winners are announced April 18, 2025 on our website listing name/research project title, and award notifications will also be sent via email.
- All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
The Rose Research Travel Fellowship funds research in Rose Library collections and University Archives.
Award Information
- This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000.
- A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
- In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
- All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of their visit and submission of blog post.
- The application deadline is 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time on February 28, 2025.
- All fellowship winners are announced in April 28, 2024 on our website with name/research project title. Award notifications will also be sent via email.
- All fellowships must be completed by August of 2026
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
The Rose Library offers the LGBTQ Collections Fellowship, which supports research in Rose Library's LGBTQ related papers and archives that document the history, culture, politics, and public health initiatives.
Award Information
This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000. A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks after completion of visit and submission of blog post.
All fellowship winners are announced April 18, 2025 on our website by name and research project title and award notifications will also be sent via email.
All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
Funded by retired Rose Library curator Randall K. Burkett and his wife, Nancy, the award supports researchers exploring the Rose Library's holdings of rare manuscripts, ephemeral, photographic, and print materials produced by and for African Americans. The award is designed to encourage research and writing on the history and significance of black printing, authorship, and publishing.
Award Information
This award is up to $1,000. A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of visit and submission of blog post.
All fellowship winners are announced April 18, 2025 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email.
All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
In honor of the late Richard A. Long (1927-2013), who was a professor of English and African American Studies at Atlanta University and Emory University, the Rose Library offers 2-3 short-term research fellowships annually to graduate students and faculty from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).
Applicants must be enrolled in a graduate program or teach at an HBCU that is more than 50 miles away from Emory University’s main campus.
The goal of the fellowship is to support faculty and graduate students from HBCUs by providing resources to conduct research in the Rose Library’s African American collections.
Graduate students must include a letter of support from an advisor, faculty member, or librarian/archivist at their institution and a copy of student identification as proof of enrollment. Faculty must include a letter of support from their department chair or Dean and a copy of faculty identification as proof of employment.
Award Information
Each fellowship will have a value of $500-$1,000. The length of the fellowship will depend on the applicant's research proposal but it is normally a minimum of 2 weeks (10 business days).
In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks after completion of their visit and submission of blog post.
All fellowship winners are announced April 18, 2025 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email.
All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
Funded by the Anna and Louis Geffen Endowed Fund for Special Collections, this fellowship supports research in the Rose Library’s holdings documenting Jewish life in Atlanta, Georgia, and the South. It encourages graduate students, professors, scholars, and authors to research and write about Jewish history, families, culture, businesses, activism, and politics in the South. Collections in this area include the Morris B. Abram papers, the American Jewish Committee Atlanta oral history interviews, the David R. Blumenthal papers, the Louis and Anna Geffen family papers, the Isaac Don Levine papers, the Bert and Esther Lewyn family papers, the Jacob M. Rothschild papers, and many others.
Award Information This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000. The application deadline is 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time on February 28, 2025. A minimum residency of 5 business days is required. In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog. All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of visit and submission of blog post. All fellowship winners are announced April 17, 2024 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email. All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
In memory of Pellom McDaniels, curator of African American collections for the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. The Pellom MdDaniels award supports research and creative projects utilizing Rose Library collections documenting African American history and culture. The work that results from these awards will continue his efforts to document and celebrate African American lives, history, and expression.
Award Information This fellowship has a value of up to $1,000. A minimum residency of 5 business days is required. In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog. All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of their visit and completion of their blog post. All fellowship winners are announced April 18, 2025 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email. All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.
This fellowship, named in honor of long-time Marcus Garvey Foundation board member Jean Harvey Slappy, looks to support doctoral candidates working on aspects of the history of the U.N.I.A. (Universal Negro Improvement Association), the A.C.L. (African Communities League), and/or Marcus Garvey's organizational activities, and who wish to use the Thomas W. Harvey/U.N.I.A. collection located at the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. Research fellows receive grants of $500 to help defray expenses associated with travel to and use of the archival collection.
"The Thomas W. Harvey Collection contains groundbreaking material that broadens our understanding of the Black freedom struggle in America and beyond." -Tshepo Chery, 2010 Jean Harvey Slappy Fellow
Marcus Garvey Foundation Research Fellowship
This fellowship looks to support doctoral candidates doing primary research in the humanities and social sciences on topics related to Africa and the African diaspora. Those doctoral candidates using archival collections and/or conducting oral histories are especially encouraged to apply. Research fellows receive grants of $500 to help defray research expenses.
The application deadline is 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time on February 28, 2025. Award notifications will be announced on April 18, 2025. Research fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
The Rose Library offers short-term fellowships to support scholarly use of the Library's research collections in five strategic areas:
- English-language literature
- The Raymond Danowski Poetry Library
- African American history and culture
- Southern history and culture
- Modern politics
Award Information
Rose Library fellowships have a value of $250-$1,250. A minimum residency of 5 business days is required.
In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library blog.
All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of their visit and submission of their blog post.
All fellowship winners are announced April 28, 2025 on our website with your name and research project title. You will also be sent an email.
All fellowships must be completed by August 2026.
Important Information for International Fellowship Applicants
Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate visa type for your desired length of stay at the Rose Library. For more information, please consult your U.S. Consulate or the Emory Office of International Student and Scholar Programs well in advance of your planned trip.